Statement of Faith

  1. We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the inspired Word of God. It is our final authority for faith, life and for the governance of the Church and therefore is incorporated as part of this Constitution.

  2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons, namely Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

  3. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten of the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. 

  4. We believe that God created mankind in His own image, male and female. Thereafter, sin entered the first man through disobedience, resulting in spiritual death for all mankind. 

  5. We believe that Jesus Christ had to die a substitutionary death for the sins of mankind so that we could be reconciled back to God.  

  6. We believe in the bodily death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

  7. We believe in His ascension into heaven and His future return to earth. 

  8. We believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit, His regenerating work and abiding presence in the true believer.  That the Holy Spirit indwells all true believers and that He has been sent to be the Comforter and Empowerer of the Christian Church, to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit and give the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the Scriptures.  

  9. We believe that all mankind will stand before God on Judgement day to give an account for their actions, words and motives of the heart.

  10. We believe in the regular practice of the breaking of bread and the taking of wine / grape juice to remind us of the new covenant established through Jesus Christ’s death on our behalf. We believe in the baptism of believers by immersion in water, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 

  11. We believe that all who repent of their sin and receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.

  12. We believe that all Christians are called to a life of holiness, devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ and service to Him.

  13. We believe in the priesthood of all believers.

  14. We specifically subscribe to the South African Charter of Religious Rights and Freedoms, which is deemed to be incorporated herein in its present form (October 2013).

Port Alfred | Eastern Cape | South Africa